Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer 2011

Wow, what a year! I am so thankful that God has led us through and we survived. So many changes over the last year and as far as I can tell they are all good. This summer is flying by and I am dreading school starting. The beginning of this school year marks the beginning of the end. This will be Claire's last year at Baker and I just can't believe that! It seems like yesterday (no kidding) that I was dropping her off in her Kindergarten class with Mrs. Cunningham. The thought of middle school totally scares me to death, but I am going to make myself enjoy this year and put the fears away until it is actually time for them. Brock I am confident will have a fantastic year. I can't believe it will be the 3rd grade, but he is excited. I know that this next year will be a great one, but I am sure it will be full of changes too. I am praying that God will lead us through all of them.

Also, this is Benjamin's Senior Year! This makes me so sad to know that he will be leaving for college, but we will for sure enjoy watching him play every game this year. Since he is going to be starting QB, I told him that I will be taking a Valium and an IPod to every game! I hate the thought of him being the one every defensive player on the field wants to tackle! I really enjoyed him being the one hitting that guy, but now the role is reversed... not cool!

This summer has had some fun times and we still have several more fun things planned. Over the 4th of July weekend Brock learned to ski which was exciting. Claire cheered for him and was so excited! Of course as always, she was happiest on the boat or on the tube! I am just thankful to have such a happy little girl!