Well, you don't have to send a card or anything, but this evening I am coming down from a 10 day headache! You read right 10 days! I finally made myself go to the Dr. and he diagnosed me as having a migraine. That may not sound too bad to you, but for me it does. You see, for the past few years I have taken great delight in the fact that I didn't get them. My Mom and Sheila get them, but I smugly thought that I had avoided the headache gene. I thought that maybe since everything else in the 60" that makes up me seems to malfunction at some point or another that maybe I had been spared this grief. WRONG. Oh well, thank heavens for meds! I am going to see if I can get some rest now because I have to say I am not looking my best! Puffy eyes and all. Not anything to take a picture of to say the least.
Rhett's 5th bday
8 years ago
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